Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

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225KORGE ALBERT HETHER-INGTON, M.D., L.M., Dublin,Physician and Surgeon, St. John, N.B.,was born March lyth, 1851, at Johnston,N.B. He is the son of James Griersonand Mary J. (Clark) Hetherington.Dr. Hetherington received his education,first, in Johnston, and afterwards attendedthe Normal School, where heprocured a teacher's license in 1860, andtaught school for a time. He afterwardsattended the Baptist Seminary,Fredericton, the Medical Department ofthe University of Michigan, and wasresident physician in Washtenaw AlmshouseHospital and Insane Asylum,for one year. He took the secondyear special course in the Universityof Michigan. After studying in theGeneral Hospital and College of Medicineand Surgery, at Cincinnati, graduatingM.D., A.D 1875, he returned toNew Brunswick, and practiced medicinefor nearly five years. He then spent aperiod in Edinburgh Royal Infirmary,took qualification Lie. Mid., of DublinRotunda Hospital for Women, togetherwith a special course for diseases ofwomen and children. He afterwardsreceived the appointment of assistantclinical instructor, for same hospital,and clerk, having charge of the extensiveHeMaternity Department.returned to St. John in 1882,and began general practice.Dr. Hetherington is a Licentiateof the Council ofPhysicians and Surgeons ofN.B., Fellow of the BritishGynecological Society ofLondon, Commissioner ofGeneral Public Hospital, St.John, lecturer and examinerSt. John Training Schoolfor Nurses, pathologist ofSt. John General PublicHospital, Coroner for St.John City and County, Surgeonfor St. John FiremenMutual Relief Association,etc. He also holds secondclasscertificates from MilitarySchool and Royal InfantrySchool, Fredericton.Dr. Hetherington belongs tothe Knights of Pythias, IndependentOrder of Forestersand the Masonic Order.In religion, he is aBaptist, and in politics, anactive Liberal. He was married,September 5th, 1876,to Sybil Mclntyre, of Sussex,now deceased.'5

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