Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

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J. MACLEOD, ChiefSuperintendent ofEducation for PrinceEdward Island, Charlottetown,P. E. I.,was born in1850, at Hartsville, P. E. I.His parents were Alex, andMary (McLeod) McLeod,natives of Inverness Scotland,Mr. McLeod was educatedat the Prince of WalesCollege, Charlottetown, andgraduated in 1876, with aGrammar School License.For some time, he taught theuWigg Grammar School,"which has produced so manyof the prominent men of theIsland, after which for ayear and a half he taughtin the Souris GrammarSchool. In 1880, he wasappointed a professor in thePrince of Wales College andNormal School by a Conservativegovernment, althoughin politics, a Liberal, whichproves that the position wasreceived by qualificationonly. This position he heldfor eleven years. In 1891,Mr. McLeod received hispresent appointment. Some mouthsprevious to his acceptance of his presentposition, he was offered by theCharlottetown City School Board, theinspectorship of the city schools (sothat he has either held or has beenoffered every position in educationalmatters in the Province that is worthhaving) but the then Premier (nowJudge McLeod) rather than lose hisvaluable services, promptly decided togive him an increase in his salary.Chief Superintendent McLeod takes agreat interest in his work, and in educationalmatters in general. He haslately taken an extended tour throughthe Eastern States and Ontario, withthe view to examining into their variousschool systems, that he might engrafttheir best features into that over whichhe is presiding so progressively andMr. McLeod takes a greatsuccessfully.interest in horticulture, and is alsowell known in musical circles, beingone of the founders of the PhilharmonicSociety. In December, 1882, Mr. Mc-Leod was married to Miss MargaretMcPherson, daughter of Mr. JohnMcPherson, of Charlottetown, PrinceEdward Island, formerly of Glasgow,Scotland. His family consists of fourchildren, two sons and two daughters.

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