Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

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222EORGE BROWNE, architect,Winnipeg, Man., was born in1852, in Montreal. He is the youngestson of the late Geo. Browne, Esq., whofor many years, was one of the leadingarchitects and most extensive real estateowners in that city. His wife, AnnaMaria (Jameson), was born in Dublin.Mr. Browne is a descendant of GeneralSeaban, Governor of Gibraltar, a distinguishedofficer in the reign of GeorgeII. He was educated in Montreal HighSchool, after which he entered his father'swhere he remained until he wasoffice,eighteen years of age, when he went toNew York, where he studied in theoffice of Russell Sturgis. In 1873, hevisited Europe, where he remained forthree years and a half, studying thedifferent styles of architecture in England,Ireland, France, Italy, and Switzerland.He also took a course at SouthKensington School of Art, and wonprizes in the International Competitionin the class of design. In 1877, Mr.Browne returned to Montreal, where hepracticed his profession for two years.In 1879, he went to Manitoba, andfarmed until 1882, when he removed toWinnipeg, to resume the practice ofarchitecture. His patrons include manyof the best men and corporations in the--,housesWest.He erected theware-of Massey, Harris &Co., McKeuzie, Powis &Co., and others ;the residencesof D. K. Elliot, Dr.Orton, A. Wickson, W. J.Watson, J. C. Gordon, andothers, the Mulvey, theAberdeen and the NorthCentral Schools, the citymarket (won in <strong>com</strong>petition),and the new addition toManitoba College, on thepublic opening of which hewas publicly <strong>com</strong>plimentedby Chief Justice Taylor,and Principal King, on theskill and taste which hedisplayed. He does muchof the work of the Hudson'sHighlanders.Bay Co., whose new officesin Winnipeg, and new wholesalewarehouse in Vancouver,B. C., he designed. In1883, Mr. Browne was marriedto Louisa Anna, daughterof the late Capt. E. E.Nicolls, of H.M. 56th RegimentFoot, and granddaughterof the late Lient.-Col. Nicolls, of H. M. 72nd

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