Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

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JAMESHANNAY*Editor of the Telegraph,St.John,N.B.,was born in Richibucto,N.B., April 22nd, 1842.Heis the son of the Rev. Jas.Hannay and Jane Salter.Mr. Hannay was educatedin Scotland; studied law inSt John, N.B and in 1866,was called to the Bar. Ayear later he became reporterof the Supreme Courtof that province, which positionhe held until 1873.From 1872 to 1883. he wasassociate editor of the J^elegraph,St. John, from 1883to 1884, occupied a similarposition on the MontrealHerald. In 1885. joined thestaff of the Brooklyn Eagle,first as general writer, thenas literary editor, and finallyas associate editor. In1888, he accepted the chiefeditorship of the Gazette,St. John, but in 1892, returnedto the Telegraph.He is a far seeing and brillianteditor, a writer ofsound English, and a manof quick perception and broad views.He is also famous as a writer of prose1883, he wrote the "Story of theQueen's Rangers,"and poetry. When one of the Loyalistquite young he publishedpoems over the nom regiments in the War of the Revolution,de plume and recently" " <strong>com</strong>pleted "A history ofSaladin which attracted much attention.Over his own name he pub-the War of 1812." He has now inlished " press " The Life and Times of SirThe Ballads of Acadia," "An Leonard Tilley," and isApostrophe to the River publishing inSt. John," a the Telegraph, a " History of the Loyalists."Mr. Hannaynumber of sketches of the early fortsof New is president of theBrunswick, and several spirited New Brunswick Historical Society,tales in Stewarfs Quarterly, from 1867- historian of the Loyalist Society, correspondingmember of the Literary72. In 1875, he published the " Captivityof John Gyles," with notes. His and Historical Society of Quebec, and"elaborate and scholarly History of of the Nova Scotia Historical Society.Acadia," appeared in 1879, and waspublished in St. John and London. In217In 1864, he was married to Margaret,daughter of EHas T. Ross, of St. John.

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