Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

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214HUESTISCAMPBELL,Manager'] Winnipeg ElectricStreet Railway, was born in GreatVillage, Colchester County, N.S., December4th, 1858. His parents JohnM. and Catharine Campbell, still residethere, and are held in general esteem.Mr. Campbell was educated at theNova Scotia public schools, and at anearly age, engaged on the constructionof the Intercolonial Railway. Heafterwards learned the trade of blacksmith,which he followed for someyears. Later, he was employed forseveral years in connection with theRoad Department of the I.C.R., atTruro, N. S. In 1879, Mr.Campbell went West inconnection with the constructionof the C. P.R.,section " B," at Rat Portage,and in 1880, he wasappointed cashier in theC.P.R. Freight Department,at Winnipeg. In 1881, hewas appointed City Passengerand Ticket Agent ofthe C.P.R., a position he helduntil 1890, when he acceptedthe position of GeneralImmigration Agent. Thefollowing year, he formed astrong <strong>com</strong>pany of capitalists,<strong>com</strong>prised of the wealthiestmen in the country,and secured the franchisefor an Electric Railway inWinnipeg, and since thattime has devoted his wholetime and attention to theconstruction and operationof the line, of which he isGeneral Manager, and it isdue to his untiring zeal andindefatigable efforts, thatWinnipeg now enjoys anElectric Railway service,second to none. Mr. Campbellhas been married twice :first, inof the late1883, to Mary, daughterRev. A. Russell, of Dalhousie, N.B.,who died in 1889, leaving one son, andin 1892, to Jean Russell, sister of hisfirst wife. In religion, he is a Methodist,and in politics,He a Conservative.also belongs to the I.O.O.F. andA.O.U.W. For several years hewas a J. P. for Manitoba, and fortwo consecutive years \\as a memberof the City Council, but has since declinedto accept municipal honors.isHeesteemed by all who know him, as acitizen of integrity and public spirit,and as a business man of push and tack.

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