Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

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OR213HE RIGHT REV. R.YOUNG,curacy of Halesowen, Worcestershire.D. D., D. C. L., Bishop of Athabaska,was born at Hull, England, in to the vicarage of Fulstow, Lincoln-In December, 1869, he was institutedSeptember, 1843. He is a son of A. shire. He resigned this in 1872, toW. Young, Esq., formerly of Louth accept the position of Association Secretaryto the Church Missionary So-Park, Lincolnshire. He received hisearly education at Kingston College ciety, and was placed in charge of theSchool, Hull, and at the Louth GrammarSchool. In 1865, he entered Clare In 1873, he was married to Julia H.,important district of West Yorkshire.College, Cambridge, graduating B.A., youngest daughter of the Rev. W. B.in 1 868. In December of the same year, Harrison, rector of Gay ton, Lincolnshire.In 1875, at the call of the C.M.he was ordained deacon, in WorcesterCathedral, and in the following May, Society, he proceeded to Manitoba, towas ordained priest, in St. Michael's take charge of St. Andrew's. Part of theChurch. Coventry. During this period, special work entrusted to him by theand until December, 1869, he held the Society, as financial secretary to theirmissions in Rupert's Land,in conjunction with theBishop and the Society'sFinance Committee, was toinaugurate and carry out ascheme for the gradual withdrawalof the Society's aidfrom such of its missions asseemed no longer to requirethe Society's support, andthe same was successfullycarried out. There is noneed to dilate upon hislabors in this connection,and in the secretariat. Sufficeit to say the work wasthoroughly done, and whilefilling several importantposts in connection with ecclesiasticaland educationalwork, his own parish wasmost conscientiously caredfor. In Oct., 1884, he wasconsecrated Bishop of Athabaska,in St. John's Cathedral,Winnipeg. Shortlyafter, he received the degreeof D.D., from the Universityof Manitoba, and in Sept.1893, the degree of D.C.L.,of Trinity College University,Toronto.

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