Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

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212 OK. WILLIAM LIDDLE HIS-LOP ROWAND, Pastor ofSt. Andrew's PresbyterianChurch, Fort William, Ontario, -wasborn April 8th, 1860, at Walkerton,Ont.His parents were Abraham andElizabeth (Hislop) Rowand, both Scotch.Mr. Rowand was brought up on hisfather's farm, and after taking his regularcourse in the public and Highschools of Walkerton, he entered TorontoUniversity, and was graduatedwith first-classhonors from that institutionin 1882, and from Knox College,Toronto in 1885. He was ordained tothe ministry of the Presbyterian Church,April I4th, 1885, at Portage La Prairie,was chaplain for the 95th ManitobaGrenadiers during the North- West Rebellion,after which he served at Battleford,Saskatchewan, oue year; Burnside,Man., four and one half years ;Rapid City, Man., two years ;and wasinducted into his present charge atFort William, September 26th, 1893.He has been very successful on all hischarges, is very popular with his people,and a clear and most effective preacherof the Gospel. He was married, Oct.3rd, 1888, to Sadie M., daughter of JohnMcLeod, Esq., of Portage La Prairie,Man., by whom he has two sons.

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