Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

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2O61VIKN7T LFRED MARKHAM, Major 8thJ^ \ P. L. Hussars, managing-di-VS> rector of the Sun PrintingCo., St. John, N.B., was born Februarya6th, 1841, in Lincolnshire, England.He is the son of John and ElizabethMarkham, the former being a farmer,expressman and horse dealer, and dida large business in handling ship timber,spars, oak-bark, etc. Major Markhamreceived his education at theCommon and Grammar schools, afterwhich he was engaged in the Railwayand Dock Service, until 1864, when heembarked for the United States, inS S." Bohemian," which was wreckednear Portland,Maine, on 22nd February,of that year, at which time fortytwopersons were drowned. He wasemployed on the Grand Trunk Railway,at Portland and Boston, for nearlytwo years, after which he was engagedas clerk of the International Company'sSteamer " New Brunswick," and inApril, 1866, took charge for an AmericanCompany of a Manganese property,at Hammond Vale, Kings County,N.B., where he lived for twenty-fiveyears, and established a mining village,which was named " Markhaniville,"and succeeded in makingit the mostfamous Manganese Mine on the Continent.He was warden ofKings County, when theMarquis of Lome and thePrincess Louise visited NewBrunswick, and presentedan address to them at Sussex.In 1880, he was appointedsenior Major of the8th Princess Louise NewBrunswick Hussars, and isan efficient officer, and popularwith the regiment. In1891, he bought the St. JohnDaily Sun newspaper, andon the organization of theSun Printing Co., was appointedmanaging-director.Major Markhain belongs toSt. George's Society, andthe Knights Templar, andhas been vice-president inthe former. In politics, heis a Liberal-Conservative,taking an active interest inthe welfare and progress ofthat party. In religion, heis an Episcopalian. Hewas married in November,1866, to Naida daughter ofJohn and Annie Turnbull.His family consists of twosons and four daughters.

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