Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

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GORDONMONROE, Barrister,Digby, N.S.,was born December nth,1848, in Clarence, Countyof Annapolis, N.S. He isthe son of Innis and Marion(Young) Monroe, natives ofthat place. His father wasthe grandson of ColonelHenry Monroe, of Crotnarty,Scotland, who was thefirst representative for thetownship of Granville, inthe General Assembly ofNova Scotia. Mr. Monroereceived his primary educationat the schools in hisnative district, and continuedit at Acadia College,from which he graduated,taking the degree of B.A.in 1872. He began thestudy of law with the presentHon. Judge Savary,then M.P. for the County ofDigby, and finished with T.D. Ruggles, Q.C., Bridgetown,N.S., passing his finalexamination in November,1876. He was admitted tothe Bar in August, 1877,and entered upon the duties of his profession,after making a three months' forcible and eloquent speaker, andcounty since that time. He ranks as atour of Great Britain. He has, from the presentation of the case and policythe first, occupied a leading position at of his government and party, havethe Bar, and been engaged in the most always fallen to him. He has twicenotable trials before the courts, in his contested hisvicinity, among which county for the Localmay be mentionedthe libel suit growing out of the" Agitation, single handed, in 1886. InHouse, the first time facing the RepealWhite Slave Agitation," in which he religion, he is an adherent of the BaptistChurch. He also belongs to the<strong>com</strong>pletely succeeded, and the chargesagainst his client shown to be without Masonic fraternity and the I. O.K., andfoundation. In politics,Mr. Monroe is is P.M. in the former, and H.C.R. fora Liberal-Conservative, has been secretaryfor his party almost continuously was married, September 23rd, 1880, toNova Scotia, in the latter. Mr. Monroesince 1878, and has taken a leading Minnie B., daughter of James E. Fellows,Esq., Bridgetown, part in every political contest in the N.S.203

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