Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

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2O2EO. TURNER ORTON, M.D.,M.R.C.S., Eng., ex-M. P., Winnipeg,Man., was born January iQth,1837, in Guelph, Out. His father, thelate Dr. Henry Orton, of Guelph, camefrom England to Canada in 1834.Dr. G. T. Orton was educated at theGrammar School, Guelph, and also byprivate tuition in Berlin, Ont. He thenpursued his medical studies at theCollege of Surgeons, Dublin, and afterwardsat the University of St. Andrew's,Scotland, from which he graduatedM.D., in 1860. He was subsequentlyelected a member of the Royal Collegeof Surgeons, England. In 1861, helocated in Fergus, Ontario,where he soon built up alarge practice. He was captainof a volunteer <strong>com</strong>pany,formed in Fergus, and afterwardssurgeon of the3othBattalion,Wellington Rifles.He began his public careeras Councillor, then as Reeveof Fergus, for three yearsin succession. He was firstelected M. P., for CentreWellington, in 1874, andrepeatedly afterwards, notablyin 1882, when he_defeated Sir Richard Cartwright.In 1883, he removedto Winnipeg, and enteredinto partnership with Dr.Brett. He was also transferredfrom the 3oth Battalionto the goth, WinnipegRifles, with which corps hewent to the front in 1885, asbrigade surgeon in the advancecolumn, under Gen.Middleton, and was presentat Fish Creek and Batoche.In 1884-85, Dr. Orton wasMedical Superintendent ofthe Rocky Mountain Divisionof the C. P. R., andsubsequentlyCoroner for British Columbia.He is now Medical Superintendentof Indian Affairs for Manitoba.The Doctor has always been loyal to theConservative party, and his country'sinterests, and the records of the laborand achievements of the ParliamentaryCommittee which bears his name, havebe<strong>com</strong>e part of the history of our country.He is active in the work of theInternational Reciprocity Association,representing Winnipeg, at the conventionheld in St. Paul, in 1893. In 1861,he was married to Ann, daughter of Wni.Farmer, Esq., formerly of Sutton, Eng.His family consists of two children.

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