Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

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201. THOMAS FRANCIS FO-THERINGHAM, M.A., PresbyterianClergyman, St.John, N.B., was born April 6th, 1847,at Hamilton, Ont. His parents wereThomas and Fanny S. (Flaws) Fotheringham,nativesof Orkney, Scotland.He was educated at the Central School,Hamilton, Upper Canada College, TorontoUniversity, from which he receivedhis B.A., in 1871, and M.A., one yearlater; Knox College, with post graduateyear at U. P. Hall, Edinburgh, andunder Prof's. Kah-Leipzig University,nis and Luthardt. He was licensed bythe Presbytery of Toronto, and ordained\over Norwood and Hastings, July 2ist,1875. He was lecturer in Apologetics,at Queen's College, in 1 880-81, but resignedthese positions and removed toCalifornia, in the latter year. He wasinducted into his present charge, St.John Presbyterian Church, St. John,N.B., January 9th, 1883, and is convenorof the General Assembly's S. S.Committee, since 1889. In this, aswell as in all other important trusts,his zeal, ability and enthusiasm areproductive of great good. He is an activepromoter of the Christian Endeavormovement, and organized a societyin his church, in 1885. He isalso doing a successful workamong the youth of his section,and has shown greatenergy in introducingu theBoys' Brigade," into Canada,and organizing the "istSt. John Company of theB. B.," in Canada, May3rd, 1889. He is captain ofhis own <strong>com</strong>pany, presidentof the St. John Battalion,and brigade president forCanada. A military schoolcourse, in his early collegedays, gives him exceptionalfitness for this kind of work.In politics, Mr. Fotheringhamis a Liberal, but doesnot take any active interestin the affairs of the party.Says The Golden Rule " :The multiplicity of his labors,his tireless energy, progressiveness,large mindedgrasp of principles, <strong>com</strong>binedwith an ability totrace them down into workingdetails, together withan enthusiasm that setsother hearts burning, callforth spontaneous expressionsof admiration. n

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