Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

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198sent to the West Indies,and from thence, leavingHer Majesty's service, hecame to Nova Scotia, Canada,and entered the serviceof the Intercolonial RailwayCompany, during itsconstruction. He afterwardsengaged with the C.P.R. Co.,as Topographical Engineer,and since the <strong>com</strong>pletion ofthat Railway, he has followedthe profession of civiland mining engineer. Mr.Roland is thoroughly postedin the topography and mininginterests of AlgoniaWest. In 1887, he publishedan illustrated volumeof about 200 pages,"entitled :Algoma West,itsScenery and IndustrialResources." He is one ofthe ablest and most expertengineers on this continent,and is fully qualified byeducation and experience,to practice his profession ina manner that is impossibleto many men who have hadfewer opportunities in thesame calling. His servicesV\/ALPOLE ROLAND, Civil andr \are beyond <strong>com</strong>putation in opening upMining Engineer, Port Arthur, the resources of the mining districts ofOut., was born iu Roorkee, Bengal, the county in which he resides. InNovember, 1830. His parents werepolitics, he is 'aLiberal-Conservative,Louis and Marie (Walpole) Roland. and takes an active interest in theMr. Roland was educated in Edinburgh, affairs of the party. In religion, he isScotland, and received a military educationand training in England andEnglish Church.an adherent of theMr. Roland was married, DecemberIndia. He went to India in the Engineers,and was 20th, 1875, to Miss Isabella Watt ofpresent at the siege Port Arthur, Out., daughter of Robert'of Lucknow and Cawnpore. After Watt, Esq., who was in the employ ofspending several years in India, he the Hudson Bay Co., and stationed onwent to China, still in Her Majesty's Hudson's Bay, although Montreal wasservice. After a brief stay in the latter the nominal home of her father's family.His family consists of six chil-place, he returned to England, where,after remaining about one year, he was dren, living.

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