Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

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197J BURPEE BLACK,M.D., Windsor, N.S., was born at St.Martin's, New Brunswick,August 1 5th, 1842. His father,Thomas Henry Black,was a native of Armaghwhile hisCounty, Ireland,mother, Mary E. Fownes,was a native of St. Martin's.Dr. Black received his earlyeducation in St. Martin's,and continued his course inSt. John, N.B., and at theMount Allison WesleyanAcademy, Sackville, N.B.Having <strong>com</strong>pleted his studiesat Sackville, he studiedmedicine at Berkshire MedicalCollege, Massachusetts,and received the degree ofM.D. He <strong>com</strong>menced topractice in the village ofHantsport, N.S., but afterresiding there for five years,removed to Windsor, wherehe has since remained, andworked up one of the largestpractices in the Province.In politics, Dr. Black hasalways been a Conservative,and in religion, a Methodist.He has also been frequentlyspoken of as a possible candidate forlegislative honors. He was elected amember of the Town Council for thetown of Windsor, in 1882, and held theposition until his time of service expired,in 1884, when he was electedwarden of Windsor by acclamation.During his term as councillor, thetown was supplied with an excellentwater service, he being chairman of thewater <strong>com</strong>mittee, and the works underhis management were constructed fora less cost than that estimated by theengineer. He has also been interestedin many of the new manufacturingenterprises. He stands high in theMasonic Order, having held the officeof Master of Poyntx Lodge, at Hantsport,from 1867 to 1870, and in 1873,became high priest of Hiram Chapter,at Windsor. He was also District DeputyGrand Master of the Nova ScotiaGrand Lodge, in 1883 and 1885. Dr.Black was married, May nth, 1864, toBessie, daughter of Hon. E. Churchill,who worked his wayfrom the humblestbeginnings to the position ofM.P., for Nova Scotia, before Confederation,and a senator of the Dominion.His family consists of nine childrenliving, and one deceased.

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