Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

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ERASTUS DEWITT,Physician, Wolfville, N.S., wasborn at Bridgetown, N.S., October i5th,1842. He is the son of Jacob andDr. DeWitt was married July 7th, 1873,to Henrietta, daughter of William andTeresa Chipman, of Bridgetown, N.S.She died January 29th, 1879. He againmarried, October 2Oth, 1881, AnnieM. daughter of C. E. Brown, of Halifax,His family consists of seven chil-politics,Caroline Eliza DeWitt, both deceased,of that place. The great-grand-fatherof Dr. DeWitt was one of the loyalistswho came to Nova Scotia at the time ofthe revolution in the United States,and settled in the County of Annapolis.The early life of Dr. DeWitt \vas spent N.S.in Bridgetown, where he received hisprimary education. He dren.graduated inmedicine at Harvard University, in1872, after which he practiced at Chester,N.S.j for fourteen years. In 1879,he was appointed Registrarof Deeds for the District ofChester, which office heresigned, when moving toHalifax in 1886. In thatyear he also attended theNew York Polyclinic, andreceived a diploma at theend of the term. He remainedin Halifax for sixyears, and during thatperiod took an active partin matters of public health ;was a member of the Staffof Halifax Infirmary, of theCity Board of Health, andduring the diptheria epidemicin 1890-91, was assistantCity Medical Officer.In 1892, he removed toWolfville, where he stillresides. Dr. DeWitt is amember of the British MedicalSociety of Halifax, ofthe Harvard Medical AlumniAssociation, the NovaScotia Medical Society, theMaritime Medical Association,and holds the office oftreasurer in the latter. Inreligion, he is a member ofthe Baptist Church, and in.MKN CANADA. 195a Conservative. He is wellknown as an able and skilful physician,and highly esteemed for his many goodqualities as a neighbor and citizen.The eldest son of Dr. DeWitt isa student in the electrical departmentof Lehigh University, Pa., and hisdaughter Carrie, of Acadia Seminary,Wolfville, N.S.

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