Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

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CANADA.TfLEXANDER HUGH\ FERGUSON, M.B.,V?) M.D.C.M., Professorof Surgery, and AssociateProfessor of ClinicalSurgery, Manitoba MedicalCollege, Winnipeg, Man.,was born February 27th,1853, in Ontario County,Ont. His parents wereAlexander and Ann (Mc-Fadyen) Ferguson, nativesof Scotland. Dr. Fergusonwas educated at RockwoodAcademy, Manitoba College,and Trinity MedicalSchool, Toronto, where hegraduated, in i88i,as FirstSilver Medalist. In 1882,he left a promising practicein Buffalo, N. Y., and wentto Winnipeg. In the sameyear, he was appointed Registrarof the College ofPhysicians and Surgeons,Manitoba, and the following1883, was made Pro-year,fessor of Physiology in theManitoba Medical College,which institution he wasso largely instrumental infounding. In 1886, he acceptedhis present professorship. Heis registrar and treasurer of the college,a member of the Provincial Board ofHealth, and surgeon-in-chief to the St.Boniface Hospital. His confreres appointedhim first president of the Manitobabranch (pioneer) of the BritishMedical Association, formed by Mr.Ernest Hart, in 1892. He is also anactive member of the American MedicalAssociation, and other kindred societies.One of his addresses, Hydatids"of the Liver," was given by invitationbefore the Minnesota Academy of Medi-and was consi-cine, St. Paul, in 1892,dered an able lecture. In 1889, Dr.Ferguson visited the best surgeons ofEngland, Scotland, France and Germany,taking a special course inbacteriology, under Dr. Koch. He isfully abreast of the rapid strides madein modern surgery, and has gained forhimself more than a provincial reputation.In politics, he is a Liberal, andin religion, a Presbyterian. He is amember of the Scottish Right, A.F.& A.M., and other societies. In 1882,Dr. Ferguson was married to MissThomas, daughter of the late EdwardThomas, Esq., a wealthy pioneer ofNassagaweya, near Guelph, Ont. Hisfamily consists of two sons.

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