Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

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192WESLEYBROWN,wholesale meat and provisionmerchant, Port Arthur, Out., was bornat the " Humber," York County, Out,May loth, 1859. His father, ThomasAllen Browu, is still living, and hismother, Sarah (Miles) Brown, died in1862. Mr. Brown was educated in thepublic schools of Meaford and Collingwood,Out., and after serving an apprenticeship, he started in business with hisfather at Collingwood, in 1876. He removedto Port Arthur in 1880, where hehas been very successful in building upa large and profitable business in freshand cured meats and provisions, bothwholesale and retail. His wholesaletrade extends for one hundred and fiftymiles East and West, along the line of theC.P.R., into the mining regions, and inother directions as well.Mr. Brown isa member of the Town Council (1893),and chairman of the Board of Works.He has been honored by a seat at theCouncil Board, for nearly eight years.He is also a member of Shunah MasonicLodge No. 287. He is a Liberal-Conservative, and in religion, a Presbyterian.He is also president of thePort Arthur Steam Packet Company,and owns a controlling interest in thepassenger steamer " Cambria."

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