Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

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190 1VEENCANON EDWYN SAN-DYS WETMORE PENT-REATH, B.D., Rector ofChrist Church, Winnipeg, was bornDecember 5th, 1846, at Clifton, KingsCounty, N.B. His parents were the lateCaptain Edwin Pentreath, formerly ofCornwall, Eng., and Elizabeth, eldestdaughter of the late Colonel Justus S.Wetmore, J. C. P., of Clifton, N. B.Canon Pentreath was educated in England,and returned to New Brunswick in1866. He entered the General TheologicalSeminary of New York in 1869, fromwhich he graduated in 1872. In the sameyear, he was ordained deacon at SouthOrange, N.J., by the Bishopof New Jersey, and enteredon the charge of GraceChurch, Rutherford Park,N.J. In 1874, he was ordainedpriest at Fredericton,the late Metropo-N.B., bylitan of Canada, and becamerector of St. GeorgeChurch, Moncton, N.B.,where, for eight years, hislabors were greatly blessed.In 1882, Canon Pentreathaccepted his present positionand the fruits of his labors,in Winnipeg, have justifiedin a very marked degree, thewisdom of the appointment.His work in a parish, largein numbers, and not strongfinancially, has been veryarduous, but his success hasbeen most gratifying. Alldenominations speak of himin the highest terms, onaccount of his wide andliberal views, his eloquence,and general worth. In 1886,he was appointed RuralDean of Selkirk, and HonoraryCanon of St. John's Cathedral,Winnipeg, in 1891,the firstappointment of the kind madein the diocese. In 1887, ne becameB.D. of St. John's College, and examinerin Exegetical Theology. Hewas appointed chaplain to the 9istBattalion, in 1885. He has also beenconnected with the cause of temperance,and was for some time president of theDominion Alliance. In 1879, in conjunctionwith Rev. J. D. H. Browne,then of Halifax, N.S., he founded theChurch Guardian and was for years itsassociate editor. In 1875, he was marriedto Clara Woodford,' third daughterof the late S. Sayre, barrister of Dorchester,N.B. He has three children.

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