Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

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OF S CANADA. 189,EV. JOSEPH HOGG, Pastorof St. Andrew's Presbyterian_ Church, Winnipeg, Man.,was born at Clyde River, ShelburneHeCounty, N.S., February 8th, 1841.is the son of Alexander Hogg, of thatplace. His early childhood was spentat Barrington, N.S., and when seventeenyears of age, he obtained a firstclasslicense as public school teacher,and while prosecuting his studies,taught in three Superior Schools of theprovince for five years. He took hisarts course in the Presbyterian Seminary,Truro, and his theological coursein the Presbyterian College, Halifax.He was licensed by the Presbytery ofHalifax, and immediately began totravel over a considerable portion ofCanada and the United States, andthen went to Edinburgh, where he tookthe senior course in the regular classesin the United Presbyterian College andafterwards the senior course in the NewCollege. After travelling a good dealin Europe, Asia and Africa, givingspecial attention to Syria and Palestine,he returned to Nova Scotia, in 1867,and accepted work as a probationer.He was ordained in October, 1868, andaccepted a call from the Presbyteriancongregation of Cornwallis, where heremained six and one halfyears. His next charge wasMoncton, where he remaineduntil June, 1888. Whenhe entered upon this charge,the membership was only47, and when he left, itwas upwards of 500. Hewas called to St. Andrew'sChurch, Winnipeg, in May,1888, and became pastor ofthat church in July, of thatand has received up-year,wards of 800 into full <strong>com</strong>munion,since his pastoratethere. He was, for twoyears, president of theMinisterial Association ofWinnipeg, and is now presidentof the ManitobaBranch of the DominionAlliance, and vice-presidentof the Manitoba League,which he was chiefly instrumentalin organizing. Heis also a member of theI.O.O.F. He was marriedin Sept., 1871, to MaryCogswell, daughter of thelate Henry B. Webster, ofKentville, N.S. His familyconsists of fourj daughters.

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