Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

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i88paring for the same, wasordained at the MontrealConference, in Brockville,Ontario, in 1885. The tiesof blood and early associationwould lead him to thePresbyterian fold, but to bea Methodist, however, iswith him a matter of pureconviction. While enthusiasticallyloyal to theChurch of his choice, he hasa warm love for the historicfaith of his fathers. Hisrise in the Church hasbeen rapid, having been stationedin such importantcharges as Prescott, Pittsburg,Perth, and now Winnipeg,Manitoba, to whichlatter charge he received acordial and unanimous call1891, and upon retiringfrom that conference to enterupon his present pastorate,he was honored by thepassing,EV. WILLIAM GOOLD HEN-highly <strong>com</strong>plimentaryresolution of thanks for hisDERSON, Pastor of Zion by thatMethodist body. In addition toChurch, Winnipeg,the above mentioned appointments, heManitoba, was born in Ayr, Scot-has received invitations to several ofland, in 1850. His father was Rev. the most desirable congregations in theJoseph Henderson, pastor of the ReformedPresbyterian Church, of that place, eloquent and forcible speaker, ofdenomination. Mr. Henderson is anand his mother was the pleasingaddress, an active and zealousdaughter of thelate Rev. William Goold, and a sister worker in every good cause which heundertakes. He is affable and courteousto all, and a kind and sympathizingpastor. He is also an earnest andinfluential worker in the temperancestudied law for a time, but, upon joining cause. Mrs. Henderson is the daughterthe Methodist Church, felt called to thework andof the Rev. William Henry Goold, DD.,who has been for fifty years pastorof the Martyr's Church, Edinburgh.After receiving his early education, hein 1892. Although beingso recently connected withthe ministry, he was electedto the office of secretary ofthe Montreal Conference inof the late Henry Lee, Esq., of Lyn, Out.He has one son and one daughter.

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