Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

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187,EV. JOSEPH THO-MAS PARSONS,F.C., Baptist Minister,Marysville, YorkCounty, New Brunswick,was born at Newfield, Maine,U.S.A., December 9th,1828. He is the son ofStephen and Eliza Parsons,both of the State of Maine,wheremoved to New Bruns--wick in 1831, and settled inWoodstock. Mr. Parsonsreceived his early educationat the schools of Woodstock,N.B., and took his highertraining at Foxcraft Academy,Maine, graduating fromthat institution with firstclasshonors. He was ordainedto the ministry ofthe Baptist Church, July4th, 1861, at Nashwaak,N.B., by the Revs. Geo.A. Hartley, J. Gunter, W.Downey and W. Kinghorn.His firstcharge was atNashwaak, and Marysvillefor one year, after which hewas pastor of the First F. C.Baptist Church, Woodstock,N.B., from July, 1862, untilJuly, 1865, and from the latter time,until July, 1866, he was engaged inHome mission work. After this hewas pastor of the church at NorthHead, Grand Manan, until 1867, whenhe returned to his pastorate at Woodstock,remaining there until 1869, andin October of that year accepted a callto the First Church, St. John, N.B.,where he continued for twenty-twoyears. He then removed to Marysville,where he is also pastor of the churchesof Nashwaak and Gibson. Sinceoccupying his present charge, he hasreceived a large number of new membersinto his church. During his longterm in the ministry, he has baptizedupwards of 900 persons, and has beenhonored with gratifying success whereeverhe has labored. Mr. Parsons wasmarried, September 3rd, 1851, to SarahA., daughter of H. Larlee, Esq., ofPerth, Victoria County, New Brunswick.His family consists of twodaughters. Mr. Parsons has done goodwork in several temperance organizations.But few have had the honor tospend over thirty years in continuouswork for the good of humanity, and atthe eventide of life to be found engagedwith unabated vigor, in labors abundantfor the welfare of others.

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