Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

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,N.S.185,EV. RALPH BRECKEN, M.A.,D.D., Methodist Minister, Fredericton,York County, N.B..was born in Charlottetown, P.E.I.,September 23rd, 1845. He is the sonof Ralph Brecken and Phoebe MariaWright, both of Prince Edward Island.On his father's side he is descendedfrom U.E. Loyalist stock, while hismother was of English descent, andher father was administrator of theGovernment in Prince Edward Island,during the interval of the Governmentof Britain appointingHe a Governor.received his early education inCharlottetown, P.E.I., principally atthe Prince of Wales College, and continuedit in England, where he enteredthe matriculation class of theLondon University at Wesley College,Sheffield, England, and on his returnto Canada, studied for three years witha practicing physician in Charlottetown.He then entered Sackville University,taking the <strong>com</strong>plete course, and graduatingfrom that institution with firstclassrecord, and the degree of B.A.He was ordained in 1874, to the ministryof the Methodist Church, and hisfirst charge was in the city of St. John.From there he went to Halifax, wherehe remained for nine years, with alsothree years at Windsor,He was then transferredto the Sackville, N.B.,circuit, but his health givingway, he spent two years intravel and study in Palestineand Egypt, and on his returnto America, resumedstudy in Boston, Mass., andthen entered on the staff ofMount Allison University,Sackville, N.B., where heremained three years. Hewas then <strong>com</strong>pelled to retireon account of ill health, butwith rest, he hopes to regainthis and resume active workagain. Mr. Brecken wasmarried, January 6th, 1876,to Jessie, youngest daughterof Aaron Eaton, Esq., shipbuilder, of St. John, N.B.His family consists of threechildren living. He is amember of the I.O.O.F.,but has not been activelyconnected with the societyfor some time on account ofthe state of his health. Inpolitics, he is an Independent,although favoring theConservative policy.

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