Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

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184 CANADA.,EV. MARK C. RUMBALL,B.A., Pastor of Knox PresbyterianChurch, Morden,Manitoba, was born April i6th, 1857,at Clinton, Ont. His father, EbenezerRumba.ll, was English, and his motherMartha Cassils, was Irish. Mr. Rumballreceived his education at the Holmesvillepublic school, the Jones CommercialCollege, London, Out., andthe Clinton High School. He thentaught school for two years, and attendedthe Cobourg Collegiate Institute, alittle over one year, after which he enteredVictoria College, Cobourg, fromwhich he graduated in 1886. His theologicalcourse was taken in Kuox College,Toronto, where he graduated inthe Spring of 1889. He visited Manitobathat Summer, and received a callto High Bluff and Prospect, where hewas ordained October 8th, 1889. Heentered his present charge, January ist,1893. His diligent labors have beenrewarded by a large measure of success,and the Morden church is now beingenlarged. Mr. Rumball is a member ofthe I.O.F., and a Reformer in politics.He was married, September i8th, 1889,to Miss Emily, daughter of RobertMcCullagh, of Cobourg, Ont., by whomhe has two daughters.

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