Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

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182F. HUTCHINGS, wholesaledealer and manufacturer of saddleryand harness, Winnipeg,Manitoba, was born June near I3th, 1855,Newboro, Leads County, Out. Hisparents were Elijah and Harriet (Gifford)Hutchings, of Somersetshire, Enggland.When fifteen years of age, hewent to learn the saddlery and harnesstrade, and at eighteen, returned to hisfather's farm. In 1876, he went out toManitoba. When he reached Winnipeg,in 1875, things did not look promising,yet he never despaired of theultimate prosperity of the Province.He shrewdly invested all his earningsand all he could borrow, in half breedscript, at from thirty to sixty-four dollarseach. In 1877, he sold out at onehundred and fifteen dollars each, andwith the capital, some three thousanddollars went into business. In 1879,Mr. Hutchings became a partner ofRobert Stalker, and their business grewrapidly. In 1884, he became sole proprietorand, to-day, does a business ofnearly a quarter of a million per annum,for besides his Winnipeg stock ofone hundred thousand dollars, and atrade that extends from the great lakes tothe Pacific, he owns large retail establishments,inWinnipeg, Neepawa, PrinceAlbert and Portage LaPrairie, which carry stocksaveraging ten thousand dollarseach. As a man ofintegrity and liberal publicspirit, Mr. Hutchingsisheld in universal esteem.He is a prominent workerin the higher Masonic Arts,a trustee of the City SinkingFund, a director of the PermanentMortgage and TrustCompany, a large stockholderin the Great WestLife Assurance Company,has been city alderman, andhas often been pressed tostand for Parliamentary honors,but pressure of businesshas forbidden. His brickblocks, in Winnipeg andother towns, and his palatialresidence, " Gifford Hall,"are a fitting tribute to his en-In religion, he is aterprise.Presbyterian, and in politics,an influential Liberal-Conservative.On Oct. 3rd, 1882,he was married to Sarah,daughter of Mr. Denby, ofNewboro, Ont. His familyconsists of four children.

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