Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

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181ROBBINS, Trtiro,minion, viz: the first PresbyterianChurch, Truro, N.S., which was organizedSeptember i3th, 1770. He is thepied the parish from 1772 to 1810,Rev. John Waddell, whobecame Mr. Cock's assistantand successor in 1798, heldthe post until 1837, whenDr. D. MacCulloch becameminister in 1839, retiring in1886, in which year Mr.Robbins was called and inducted.In the Maritimeprovinces, he is prominentlyassociated with the HomeMission Committee, andtakes a deep interest in theaggressive work of the PresbyterianChurch. He alsoclaims quite a clerical circle,his grand-uncle being oneof the prominent mission-Heroic Church of the Moravians.He has travelledactive part in the work ofthe Church, both Synodand Assemblies. Prior tohis residence in Nova Scotia,.JOHN Ontario, and thatpastorates,N.S., is the son of the late so many Ontario men occupy similarRev. Charles Robbins, atone time clergyman in Oxford, andlater Norwich, England. He was bornat High Wy<strong>com</strong>be, famous as the seat people,of the Disraeli family. Mr. Robbins ac<strong>com</strong>plished by Confederation,by the union of the churches withoccupies a unique position in the Presbyterianpastorate, in that he is minister Mrs. Robbins is the daughter of theone Presbyterian Church in Canada.of the oldest congregation in the Do-fourth pastor of this venerable congregation,came from Dumfriesshire, Scotland, inRev. Daniel Cock having occu-1803, and was amongst the first settlersin the County of Wentworth, Ont.aries, in connection with theextensively, and takes anMr. Robbius was pastor ofSt. Andrew's Church, Glen-that so many Maritime Provinceholdcoe, Ont., and is well knownin that province. The factpositions in the East, is another proofof the unity of the Dominion, and thefusion of the best interests of thelate George Brown, Esq., of Milton,Ontario, one of the best known men inthe County of Haltoii. Her grandfatherwas Alexander Brown, who

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