Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

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i8o 1VIEN CANADA.THOMAS RYAN, whole-^ sale boot and shoemerchant, and ex-mayor ofWinnipeg, Manitoba, wasborn in 1849, in tne Townof Perth. His parents wereMichael and Sarah (Malynaux)Ryan. When fifteenyears of age, he was apprenticedto Robert Cookary, ofPerth, where he remainedfor five years. In 1874, heremoved to Winnipeg, wherehe, with Mr. McFarlane,began business in a modestway. In 1878, Mr. Ryanbought his partner's interest,and in a few years, businessamounted to $120,000, annually,probably the largestretail boot and shoe trade inthe Dominion. In 1887, heembarked in the wholesaletrade, which has now reachednearly a quarter of a million,annually, and extends fromRat Portage to British Columbia,his business relationshipsbeing of the mostpleasant character. Threeconsecutive years, 1885-86-87, Mr. Ryan was aldermanof his adopted city, and in 1 888 hewas honored with the highest municipalgift in the hands of the people, the mayorality.His rapidly growing business,however, demanded all his attention,and he wisely permitted an honorablemunicipal course to close. Since then,he has sold his large retail business tohis brother, built a magnificent fourstory block, with all modern improvements,in which he carries on hiswholesale trade with great success.In religion, Mr. Ryan is a Methodist,a prominent and influential worker,being a duly appointed local preacher,a class leader and a teacher in theSabbath school. He is also a memberof the R.T. of T., and an earnest advocateof temperance. As alderman,and while the chief magistrate of thecity, Mr. Ryan left his impress forgood in many respects, notably in theRyan Sunday by-law, which closed upplaces illegally open on the Sabbath.In politics, he is a Conservative, andthough often solicited to stand forParliamentary honors, pressure of businesshas always forbidden. Mr. Ryanwas married, in 1881, to Miss AnnieAnderson, of Winnipeg, Man. Hisfamily consists of two sons and fivedaughters.

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