Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

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OK 179his province, prior to beginningthe study of medicine.He graduated fromBellevue College in 1878,and shortly after was appointedvice-president andprofessor in Natural Sciencein Pennsylvania State NormalSchool. In 1881, hewent to the Province ofManitoba, and for someyears was identified withthe social, educational andpolitical development ofWestern Manitoba, afterwhich he went abroad, pursuinghis studies as aspecialist. While in England,he was assistant tothe late Sir Morell McKenzie,the eminent throat surgeon,and occupied severalpositions in connection withthe Eye and Ear Hospitalsin London. Dr. Morrisonis well up in his profession,and has worked up a largeand satisfactory practice inSt. John, where he is popularalike with the publicand the profession. He belongsto the Masonic andH. MORRISON, M.D., Orange orders, also the Ancient OrderPh.D., andJOSEPHM.C.P.S.M., oculist,St. John, New Brunswick, in the latter. While in Manitoba, heUnited Workmen, and is Past Masterwas inspector of schools for five years,Provincial Coroner and medical healthofficer, and also surgeon to the IndianDepartment. In politics, he is an activeConservative, and has addressed meetingsin the interests of his party, indifferent parts of the Dominion. In religion,New he belongs to the PresbyterianBrunswick;Bellevue College, Church. Dr. Morrison was married inNew York; Guy Hospital, London,1 88 1, to Ida, daughter of T. W. Kierstead,Esq., of Rothesay. Mrs. Mor-England ; Royal Opthalmic Hospital,London; Hotel-Dieu, Paris, France. rison died in 1887. His family consistsHe taught in various high schools inwas born October 26th, 1854, in St.John, N.B. He is the son of Rev.Daniel Morrison and Margaret Turner,the former was a Presbyterian ministerformany years, and superintendent ofEducation in various parts of thecountry. Dr. Morrison was educatedat the High and Normal schools ofof one daughter.

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