Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

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OK 177ISAAC ALLEN JACK,A.B., D.C.L., Q.C.,Barrister and Recorderof the city of St. John,N.B., was born June 26th,1843, in that place. Hisparents were William Jack,Q.C., a leading barrister,now deceased, and EmmaCarleton, his wife. Afterreceiving his early education,Mr. Jack became apupil of the late CanonLee, with whom he studiedfor several years. He afterwardsentered the CollegiateInstitute, Fredericton, fromwhich he matriculated in1859, into King's College,Fredericton, and afterwardsentered King's College,Windsor, N.S., where heobtained the degree of B.A.in 1863, subsequently thatof B.C.L. in 1877, and thatof D.C.L. in 1884. Uponleaving college he began thestudy of law with his father,and was admitted attorneyin October, 1866, and barristerthe following year.He was appointed Recorderof St. John, April, 1885, and upon theunion of the cities of St. John andUniversity of King's College, Windsor,Portland in 1869, he was N.S.; New Brunswick Historical Society,and ex-officio member of MadrasappointedRecorder of the united cities. He was School Board of N.B. He was, for manycreated a Q.C., March i8th, 1891. He years, a member of the Board ofis a member of the Council of the Barristers'Society of New Mechanics' Institute of St. John, asBrunswick, St. director, corresponding secretary, vicepresidentor president. He is at presentJohn Law Society, St. Andrew's Society,Council of Loyalists' Society, lecturer in Ancient, Roman and ComparativeEnglish Common Law, atExecutive Committee of DiocesanChurch Society, Fellow of Literary and King's College Law School. As Recorder,he is deputy mayor, and, on theHistorical Society of Quebec, Fellow ofHaliburton Society, Windsor;member death of one of the mayors, filled theof Associated Alumni, King's College, office of mayor for some months. InWindsor; Faculty Law School, St.John, N. religion, he is a member of the ChurchB., in connection with the of England, and in politics, a Liberal.

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