Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

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'74 1VIKN CANADA.. LORAN ELLIS BAKER, the town and province. Mr. Baker hasM.L.C., steamboat manager, been married three times :first, in 1857,Yarmouth, N.S., was bornMay 1 3th, 1831, at Yarmouth. He isthe son of Ellis and Delina Baker. Hispaternal ancestors were from Massachusetts,while his maternal ancestors in 1873, to Mary I., daughter of GeorgeParish, M.D., of Yarmouth and; third,were early settlers in Barrington, ShelburneCounty, N.S. Mr. Baker re-N.S. His family consists of one daugh-B. Creighton, Esq., of Dartmouth,ceived his education in Yarmouth, ter and three sons, living. His daughter,<strong>com</strong>pleting it at the Academy in thatplace. He Florence Mary, was married inbecame a clerk in the establishmentof W. to Hon. Walter G. Stopford,1893,H. Townsend, a leadingmerchant of Yarmouth, and Royal Navy, third<strong>com</strong>mander in thein 1855, son of the late Earl of Courtown, hisembarked in general business and ship sons George Prescott, Victor Stanley,building, in <strong>com</strong>pany with John Young, Seymour Creighton, are at school.the firm's name beingYoung & Baker. Thispartnership was dissolvedin 1864, and since thenMr. Baker has been operatingalone, as general shipowner, banker, etc. He wasappointed to the LegislativeCouncil in 1878, to representthe Liberal party. In1872, he founded a museumand public library, which isfree to the <strong>com</strong>munity. Heis president of the Bank ofYarmouth, the YarmouthSteamship Company, theYarmouth Marine RailwayCompany, Yarmouth AgriculturalSociety, MountainCemetery Company, YarmouthWoollen Mill Company,Grand Hotel Company,and is a director inChurch, Yarmouth. He isone of the most enterprisingmen in Nova Scotia, and itishoped that his importantlifemay be long spared tothe Eastern Assurance Company.He is a member ofthe Episcopal Church, anda vestryman of Trinityto Mary E., eldest daughter of JosephB. Bond, M.D., of Yarmouth; second,in 1870, to Frances L, daughter of H. G.

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