Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

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12 CANADA.CLIFFORD SIFTON,( Attorney General and^^^^> Provincial LandsCommissioner of Manitoba,Barrister, Brandon, Man.,was born March ioth, 1861,in London Township, MiddlesexCounty, Ont. Hisparents, who are still livingand reside in Winnipeg, areJohn W. Sifton (formerlySpeaker of the ManitobaLegislature) and Kate Sifton,whose maiden namewas Watkins. He was educatedat the London HighSchool and Victoria University,Cobourg, where hetook honors and the GoldMedal. He afterwardsstudied law with S. C. Biggs,of Winnipeg. On beingcalled to the Bar, he removedto Brandon, Man., wherehe has practiced his professioncontinuously ever since,and has succeeded in buildingup an extensive legalconnection. He stands highin the estimation of hisbrethren at the Bar as anable and conscientious lawyer.Mr. Sifton has never taken anypart in municipal matters, except thathe was appointed City Solicitor forBrandon and of the Western JudicialBoard. In 1888, he was elected to thefaction,self well and he has since proven him-worthy of the high honor. He tario. His family consists of fouris rapid, clear, logical, not verbose, andhas never been discounted on any platformor on any question which he hasdiscussed. He is of a retiring dispositionand manner,Provincial Legislature of Manitoba, andexcept among his intimateacquaintances, and ispopularwas sworn a member of the Executive with all. In religion, Mr. Sifton is aCouncil, and appointed Attorney Generalmember of the Methodist Church, andin 1891, upon which he was re-holds the office of trustee in his churchelected. Attorney General Sifton is in Brandon, and is active in all goodone of the ablest speakers in Manitoba, work. He was married, on the i3thif not in the Dominion. His appointmentto the position of Attorney Gen-August, 1884, to Miss ElizabethofAnna Burrows, daughter of Mr. anderal was received with universal satis-Mrs. H. T. Burrows, of Ottawa, On-sons.

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