Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

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JONES, M.B., Toronto; London, where he remained fourteen. M.D., Manitoba; M.C.P.S.O., months. InJR.1881, Dr. Jones returnedL.R.C.P., London; F.O.S., to Canada and located in Winnipeg,England; Winnipeg, Man., was born Man. He is one of the incorporatorsin Toronto, Ont. He received his educationat the Toronto Collegiate Insti-eight years was professor of the prin-of Manitoba Medical College, and fortute, Toronto University, Toronto ciples and practice of medicine, in thatSchool of Medicine, and London Hospital,London, Eng. After graduating much acceptance and ability. He is ainstitution, and filled the position withfrom the Toronto School of Medicine, member of the acting staff of the WinnipegGeneral Hospital, and a memberin the year 1878, he went to GreatBritain, and for two years attended the of the Council of the College of Physiciansand Surgeons, Manitoba, repre-London Hospital, where he was appointedhouse physician. He was afterwardsappointed superintendent of the Manitoba University. He is also asenting that body on the Council ofHospital for Women, Soho Square, member of the Provincial Board ofHealth. Dr. Jones is G.M.E. of the Grand Lodge ofthe Ancient Order UnitedWorkmen, in the Provinceof Manitoba, and in religion,belongs to the EpiscopalianChurch. From thewide and general estimationin which the Doctor is heldin his profession,it wouldseem that he has not onlythe ambition, but also theability to make the mostof the unexceptional advantages,which have fallen tohis lot. Dr. Jones takes adeep interest in the educationalinstitutions of hisadopted province, especiallythe University of Manitoba,founded in the year 1877.His views regarding its futureusefulness and prosperityare so enthusiastic,that they may be justlydeemed as visionary. Dr.Jones was married, Jan. 5th,1887, to Margaret E., daughterof James Dennistown,Esq., Q. C., of Peterboro,Ont. His family consistsof one son.

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