Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

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172 MEN OR CANA IDA.JOHNHOLDSWORTH, Judgeof Probate Court of the Countyof Digby, N.S., and StipendiaryMagistrate of the town of Digby,was born May ipth, 1830, in that place.His parents were Thomas and Lucy(Titus) Holds worth, the former beinga manufacturer in Digby, and an activeworker in the Methodist Church. JudgeHoldsworth was educated in the privateschools and county academy of hisbirth place, and received a good businesstraining. He is a Justice of thePeace for his county, and Commissionerin the Supreme and County Courts. Hewas elected Warden of the county, underthe County Incorporation Act, in 1880,and held that office for three years.He afterwards received the appointmentof County Treasurer, and resigned thatoffice to take the office of Judge of ProbateCourt, in 1886. He has filled thevarious high and important positionsto which he has been appointed, withmuch credit to himself and dignity tothe offices. Judge Holdsworth wasmarried, in 1857, to Mrs. CharlotteElizabeth Wright. His family consistsof a son and a daughter, both now marriedand living in the United States.In politics, Judge Holdsworth is aLiberal.

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