Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

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170 CANADA.JOHN LOVELL MEIKLE,dealer in pianos, organs, etc.,Port Arthur, Ont., was bornAugust nth, 1848, at Lachute, Que.His father was Wm. Meikle, and hismother Dora Lovell, the former ofScotch descent. Mr. Meikle receivedhis education at the <strong>com</strong>mon schoolsand Collegiate Institute, Lachute. Afterhaving served several years as clerk ingeneral mercantile business, he removedto Port Arthur, in 1882, andestablished the " Bazar," which hasgrown to large proportions, and isknown for hundreds of miles East andWest, to be by far the most attractivecmart in Port Arthur, and which woulddo credit to a large city. The bestevidence of Mr. Meikle's businessability, is the fact that, since he establishedhis business, he has done atrade of over $300,000, without suing acustomer, or putting them towhile expense,$300 would probably representthe amount of his losses, in givingcredit. He is in the fullest sense, aself-made man, having started withlittle capital, but by close attention tobusiness and fair dealing, he has won ahigh degree of success. His practicalknowledge of trade, enables him to goto European markets, and buy directfrom the manufacturers.He has great faith in thefuture of Western Ontario,and owns considerable realestate in that section, andhas a vote in every municipalityof the district ofAlgoma West, and in everyward of Port Arthur. In1886, he made a tour ofGreat Britain and Germany,also visited the Colonial Exhibition,London, where hefound the Canadian MineralExhibit unprovided for, andat considerable personal expense,assisted in securing achoice location for the same.In religion, Mr. Meikle is aprominent and influentialPresbyterian, and in politics,a Reformer. He is also aHigh School Trustee, aCommissioner of PublicParks, and local agent ofthe Canada Life AssuranceCompany. He was married,Aug. a8th, 1873, to JeannieMilne, youngest daughter ofAlex. Milne, Esq., Meaford,Ont. He has two children,one boy and one girl.

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