Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

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i68 OF S CANADA.ENJAMIN HENRY TOR-RENS, dentist, Fredericton,York County, N.B., was bornyears, when he removed to Boston,where he practiced for five years, buton account of ill health, returned againat Bangor, Maine, U.S.A., Januaryloth, 1851. He to is the son of John andFredericton, where he has succeededin working up one of the largest dentalEllen (McGinly) Torrens, both natives practices in the Province of Newof the North of Ireland. He received Brunswick. Considering his brief timehis early education at the schools of in the profession, and the delay causedBangor, and afterwards continued it at by sickness, he has made rapid strides,Harvard University, graduating from and has a bright future before him.that university with first-class honors, In 1875, Dr. Torrens was married toin 1872, and taking the degree of Miss Sarah Belle, daughter of Geo.D.M.D., of Harvard Dental College Hatt, Esq., merchant, of Fredericton.also. He then removed to Frederictou, In religion, he is a member of theand <strong>com</strong>menced the practice of his profession,remaining in that city for three theMethodist Church, and also belongs toI.O.O.F.

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