Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

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167~Y\/ILLIAM LAW, shippingV \andPeace for his county, and has filled the<strong>com</strong>mission agent, Yarmouth, office of president of the Oriental MarineInsurance Company, and wasN.S. and M.P.P. for Yarmouth, wasborn in Belfast, Ireland, August 5th, appointed manager for Nova Scotia, of1833. In 1847 he came to Canada, the Boston Marine Insurance Company,locating at Yarmouth, and remained in 1881. In 1886, he was chosen bythere for two years, when he removed the Liberal party to represent theto Oxford, Mass., where he remained County of Yarmouth in the Local Legislature.He is an ardent free trader,until 1855, and again returned to Yarmouth,where he has since remained, and desires to have <strong>com</strong>mercial unionas head of the firm of Wm. Law & Co., with the United States. Mr. Lawshipping and <strong>com</strong>mission agents. He was married to Miss Mary A. Brown,is known as an able and honorable daughter of Enoch Brown, Esq., ofbusiness man, and is one of the most Douglas, Massachusetts, who representedthat town in the Massachusettsinfluential residents of Yarmouth. In1870 he was appointed a Justice of the Legislature.

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