Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

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1 66AJOR JOHN DA-LEY, Digby, N.S,was born in St.John County, N.B., in 1842.He received his educationin the public schools, andwhen sixteen years of age,went to St. John, and engagedas clerk with JohnMarvin, general merchant,where he remained until1865, when he removed toDigby, where he establishedand is stillmanaging thatpopular resort the " RoyalHotel." When in that cityhe joined the Prince ofWales Battery, in 1863, asgunner, and left it withthe rank of sergeant, at theend of 28 days camp of instructionat Fredericton,N.B., where he passed examinationbefore a board ofofficers, and was re<strong>com</strong>mendedfor a <strong>com</strong>mission inthe Canadian Militia, inJuly, 1865. On going toDigby, immediately after,he was appointed secondlieutenant of " D " Battery.The following year he wasmade first lieutenant, and at the lastGrandgeneral field day review, by Capt.Hardy, R.A,, was detailed in charge ofCapt. John W. Turnbull's Company, theCaptain being absent. Soon after thisa change took place, the militia weredisbanded, officers retired, and volunteerscalled to serve three years.On the 24th of October, 1873, under thenew " law, The Digby Battery of GarrisonArtillery," was gazetted with JohnDaley, as captain, provisionally this;rank was made substantive in 1878,and that of major given him in 1883.Major Daley is a member of the MasonicOrder, a Past Senior Warden of theLodge of A.F. & A.M., in NovaScotia, and representative of the GrandLodge of the State of Wyoming, at thisGrand Lodge. He is also Court DeputyHigh Chief Ranger of the I.O.F.,and Past County Master of the LoyalOrange Association, also chairman ofthe Board of County School Commissioners,and Coroner for Digby County. Inpolitics, he is a Liberal in; religion, anEpiscopalian. He has been marriedtwice :first, in 1864, to Eliza WoodSeaton, third daughter of David Douglass,Esq., York County, N.B.; andsecond, to Sarah Jane, widow of the lateW. T. Bakin, of Digby.

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