Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

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165V TON. DAVID MARR WALcrMKER, County Court JudgeV> ofthe Eastern Judicial Districtof Manitoba, Winnipeg, Man., was bornOctober 3rd, 1835, in Norfolk County,Out. His parents were Solomon andSarah (Osborne) Walker. On hispaternal side, he is descended fromBishop Walker, who fell at the battleof Derry, and on his maternal side,from U. E. Loyalist stock. He waseducated at the public and Grammarschools of Simcoe, Ont., and TorontoUniversity. He then entered the lawoffice of Henry Eccles, Toronto, wherehe remained for three years. He wassubsequently two years withM. M. Vankoghnet, Toronto,and was admitted to theBar in 1861, after which hepracticed his profession atSimcoe, Ont., until April,1870. He was a captain inthe 39th battalion, NorfolkRifles, and was in activeservice during the Fenianraid in 1870, and joined theWolseley forces with therank of lieutenant. Whenthe Wolseley expeditionwas disbanded on the RedRiver, in May, 1871, JudgeWalker was one of thefifteen who remained inManitoba, and was admittedto the Manitoba Bar in Juneof the same year. He wasthe first lawyer in thethe first solici-North-West,tor for the city of Winnipeg,and the first Crown Prosecutorfor the Province ofManitoba. He was AttorneyGeneral from October4th, 1878, until his appointmentto the Bench, in July,1882. He has had an unusuallysuccessful and brilcareer.From early life, heliantevinced those traits of character, whichhave so materially aided in placinghim in his present honorable position.He brought to the discharge of theduties of his important trust, not onlya sound and thorough education, butalso a well balanced judicial mind.Judge Walker is a 32 Degree ScottishRite Mason, but on receiving hispresent appointment, took his demitfrom all lodges. He was married, July2ist, 1857, to Anna Bella, daughter ofJohn Anderson, of Port Dover, Ont., bywhom he has one son, G. H. Walker,Protonotary Queen's Bench, Winnipeg.

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