Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

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1 1BENSON, M.D., ofBeusonhurst, Winnipeg, Man.,^ was born April 2 2nd, 1843,in Peterboro, Ont. His father wasLieut. -Col. John Robinson Benson, whocanie to Canada with his parents fromthe North of Ireland in 1819. He wasone of the pioneers of Peterboro County,and rose by perseverance and industry,to be a leading mill owner and lumbermerchant, and being of sterling principles,was held in universal esteem.He died in 1876. His widow Catharine(Lee) Benson, who survives him andresides in Winnipeg,is a woman ofbright Christian character, whose chiefsolicitudehas always beenfor the higher interestsof her family. Dr. Bensonwas educated at PeterboroGrammar School, VictoriaMedical College, Toronto,Kentucky University, fromwhich he graduated in 1864,Bellevue Hospital and MedicalCollege, New York,where he graduated in 1865,and again at Victoria fromwhich he took his final degreein 1866. He practiceda time in Peterboro, then inLindsay, Ont., for sevenyears. In 1874, he removedto Winnipeg, where he haspracticed ever since, andwhere he now enjoys a wideand well established patronage.His position as chairmanof the Winnipeg SchoolBoard, trustee and stewardof Grace Methodist Church,Coroner for the Province ofManitoba, one of the directorsof the firstWinnipegAgricultural Society, jailsurgeon for eighteen years,and a surgeon of the North-West field forces during theRebellion of 1885, show in some degreeat least the interest he takes in publicquestions, and the appreciation inwhich his services are held. He is alsopresident of the Winnipeg branch ofthe Globe Savings and Loan Co., ofToronto. In politics, the Doctor is astaunch Conservative, and an influentialworker during Parliamentarycampaigns. He is a member of theA.F. & A.M., the LO.O.F. and theI.O.F. In 1874, Dr. Benson was marriedto Annie Campbell, daughter ofCapt. A. Campbell of Colborne, Ont., amember of the Campbell Clan of theArgyle family.He has three sons.

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