Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

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l62>EV. JOHN MACLEAN, M.A.,Ph. D., Methodist Minister,Port Arthur, Ont, was born1880-89, in Kilmarnoclc, Scotland, October 3oth,1851. His parents were John and Alice(Stevenson) Maclean. Dr. Macleanreceived his education at the BurghAcademy, Dumbarton, Scotland, andVictoria College, Cobourg, Canada,graduating in Arts in 1882, and M.A.in 1887. He then pursued a post graduatecourse at the Wesleyan University,Bloomington, 111., obtaining hisPh.D. in 1888. He was ordained atHamilton, Ont., in June, 1880, and thenlabored among the Blood Indians fromat Moosejaw, Assiniboia,from 1889 to 1892,and in the latter year wasstationed at Port Arthur,Ont. Dr. Maclean wasjournal secretary of theManitoba Conference, 1888-92, and secretary in thelatter year. From 1884 to1888, he was correspondentfor the British Associationon the North-West Tribesof Canada. He was appointedinspector of publicschools for Southern Albertain 1886, and wasa member of the North-West Board ofEducation,1888-92, and of the North-West Board of Examiners,1889-92. He is also amember of the CanadianInstitute, Toronto, of theAmerican Society for theAdvancement of Science,corresponding member ofthe Manitoba Historical Society,Winnipeg, and historianof Manitoba Conference.He is also an authorof considerable note, andamong his publications maybe mentioned "The Indians of Canada,""James Evans," "The Hero of theSaskatchewan," " Methodist Annual,1885," "Lone Land Lights," andseveral pamphlets on Ethnological subjects.He iscorrespondent for theBureau of Ethnology, SmithsonianInstitution, and a frequent contributorto magazines, under the nom de " plume ofRobin Rustler." He has also writtenand lectured extensively on the languageand customs of the BlackfootIndians. Dr. Maclean was married, in1880, to Sarah Annie Barker, who didgrand work among the Blood Indians.His family consists of four children.

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