Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

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CANADA. 161McDIARMID,M.D.,it--\ professor of Obstet-V rics aud Gynecology,Manitoba MedicalCollege, Winnipeg, Manitoba,was born July lyth,1854, near St. Thomas, Ont.He finished his earlier educationat the Normal School,Toronto, from which hegraduated in 1871, and thentaught school for someyears, the first two of whichwere at York, HaldiniandCounty. In 1876, he enteredTrinity Medical College,Toronto, where he tookthe first and second yearscholarships, and where, in1879, he carried off the goldmedal, and a fellowship ofthat college. He also graduatedthe same year, withhonors, from Toronto University.He then practicedin Florence, Ont., until1882, when he removed toWinnipeg. Dr. McDiarniidis one of the founders ofManitoba Medical College,and for several years heldthe professorship of generalchemistry, with marked acceptability, ashe does now his more important position,as above indicated. In 1892, he took thecourse of the Post Graduate MedicalSchool and Hospital, of Chicago, therebyfurther qualifying himself for hiswork. He is president of the Manitobabranch of the British Medical Association,and Gynecologist to St. BonifaceHospital. The Doctor has, quite earlyin life, taken a leading place in theranks of his profession, and his pastsuccess surely indicates a bright future.He isa member of the A.F. & A.M., isa P.M. of Ancient Landmark Lodge,No.3, G.R.M., and a member ofPrince Rupert's Chapter No. 52, RoyalArch Masons, G.R.U. He also belongsto the I.O.O.F., A.O.U.W., S.O.S.,C.O.F., A.O.F., and has been for fourconsecutive years Grand Councillor ofthe R.T. of T. of Manitoba. In religion,he is a Presbyterian, an elder inSt. Andrew's Church, Winnipeg, andin politics, a Liberal. In 1880, Dr.McDiarniid was married to Emma L.R. Brett, daughter of James Brett, Esq.,and sister of Dr. R. G. Brett, of Banff,N.W.T., and of Mrs. W. W. Buchanan,wife of the well-known editor of theRoyal Templar, Hamilton. He has twochildren, one son and one daughter.

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