Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

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158 MEN,EV. JOSHUA DYKE, Pastorof the Methodist Church, Moosomin,N.W.T., was bornSeptember I5th, 1849, at Wednesfield,Wolverhainpton, Staffordshire, England.His parents, John and MaryDyke, where among the earliest membersof the Methodist Church in thatpart of England. Mr. Dyke was convertedand received into the Churchwhen ten years of age. He attendedthe public school in earlylife and fromsixteen to twenty years of age was preparingfor the ministry. He passedhis entrance examination in connectionwith the Primitive Methodist Church,in London, England, in 1870. Afterlaboring two years in England he wassent to Canada by the Missionary Society,being stationed at Bradford, Out.,for one year. His next stations in Ontariowere London, Amaranth, Collin'sBay and Elginburg, Chatham andBowmanville. He then removed toCalgary, Alberta, where he spent twoyears then to; Wesley Church, Winnipeg,Manitoba, three years Fort;William, Ontario, three years; Virden,Manitoba, one year ;and was stationedat Moosoniin, Assiniboia, June, 1893,chairman of theAt the time of the union ofthe Methodist churches inCanada, Mr. Dyke wasbeing also appointedDistrict.appointed a visiting delegateto the British Conferencein the Summer of1883. His parents returnedwith him to this countryand settled at Hamilton,Ont. He was the first MethodistMinister appointedto Calgary, Alberta, and isone of the oldest in the workin the North-West. He isprominent in Bible Societywork in Manitoba. He isalso examiner on the Boardfor the Conference Students,on the subject of Homiletics.He was ordained in June,1874, by the Rev. SamuelAntliff, D.D. He belongsto the Masonic Order, I.O.O.K. and R. T. of T. Hehas been married twice :first, May 24th, 1875, toMiss Bella Park, of London ;second, Dec. 25th, 1883, toMiss Sophia Fox, daughterof the late John Fox, ofChatham, Ont., by whomhe has two sons and onedaughter living.

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