Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

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CANADA.ATWOODCROW-KLL, merchant, Yarmouth,N.S., was born September ist, 1843,at Barrington, Shelburne County, N.S.After receiving his education he cameto Yarmouth in 1860, and enteredupon <strong>com</strong>mercial life as clerk in ageneral store. In 1865, he began businesson his own account, as generalmerchant, and so continued until 1869,when he began to do business as directimporter and dealer in iron, metals andgeneral hardware, under the firm nameof S. A. Crowell & Co. Mr. Crowell isnow, however, the sole proprietor of thebusiness. His present success, is anevidence of what industry, ability andperseverance can ac<strong>com</strong>plish, whencoupled with high moral principle. Hebegan his <strong>com</strong>mercial career with little,if any capital, except a good name andrecord, and an unflinching determinationto succeed these,; however, soonlaid the foundation of a progressivelife,and their constant application hasresulted in placing him where he nowstands. He was married, in 1869. toMiss Mary Edna Coming, the onlydaughter of Captain Bowman Coming,of Yarmouth. His family consists offive children, two daughters and threesons.

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