Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

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1IOOKTHE LATE HONORABLE JOHNNORQUAY, ex-Premier of Manitoba,was born in what was then knownas the Red River Settlement, May 8th,1841, and died July 5th, 1889. Hisparents, John and Isabella (Truithwaite)Norquay, were both of Orkneydescent. He received his education atSt. John's College Winnipeg. Leavingcollege, he engaged in school teachingand agricultural pursuits until 1870,the date of Manitoba's entry into Confederation,when he was elected to representHigh Bluff. He quickly roseto the front as a man of sound judgment,and without any Parliamentarypractice, appeared to be quite in hiselement on the floor o the House.strong debater, a man of quick <strong>com</strong>prehensivemind and withal a ruggedlyeloquent speaker, he stood easily withthe front rank politicians of the day.In stature he was large and well proportioned,bluff and hearty in manner,generous, even to a fault, and had thefaculty in a wonderful degree of rememberingnames and faces. He belongedto the Masonic fraternity.was a member of the Board of Healthand Board of Education in Manitoba,AHea member of the Executive Council andMinister of Public Works and Agriculturefor Manitoba, from December1 4th, 1871, untilJuly 8th, 1874, when he resignedwith his colleagues.He was appointed to thenew Government in March,1875, taking the portfolioof Provincial Secretary. Thisoffice he relinquished forthat of Minister of PublicWorks in May, 1876. InOctober, 1878, Mr. Norquaywas called upon to form aCabinet in which he heldthe office of ProvincialTreasurer. He sat for HighBluff from 1870 to 1874,when he was returned forSt. Andrews, which he representeduntil the redistribution(1888), which abolishedthat constituency andincluded it in Kildonan,which he sat for at the timeof his death. He belongedto the Episcopal Churchand was warden of theChurch where he residedand delegate to the annualSynods. He left a wife,two daughters and fivesons.

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