Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

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,EV. ARTHUR BENJAMINyear; Emerson, two years; Fort McLeod,HAMES, Ph.B., son of Williamand Ann three years and Oak Lake,;Alberta,(Gunniu) his present circuit. He has been financialsecretary and chairman of dis-Hames, was born October i2th, 1849, inBristol, England. The family came to trict for several years, besidesCanada in 1856, and holdingsettled in Kingston,Out., where our subject secured dist Church. He was married, Juneother important positions in the Metho-his early education. Converted in 1867, 30th, 1876, to Miss Sarahhe entered the ministry in 1871, laboredJane, daughterof John and Eliza Power, of Northat L'Amable, Marmora, Demorestville Hastings, Ont. Mr. Hames graduatedand Milford, and was ordained Junei3th, 1875, in Picton, Ont. He from Wesleyan University, Bloomington,Illinois, inthen proceededto Port 1892. He is an eloquentpreacher, a faithful pastor, anArthur, where he laboredone year ;Fort Francis, two years Morris,two years Meadow a V.G.; Lea, three years in the; energetic temperance worker,;I.O.O.F., and an Independent inHigh Bluff, three years ; Stonewall, one politics, with Reform leanings.

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