Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

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150 CANADA.,EV. ANDREW W.ROSS,thePastor ofMethodistChurch, Portage La Prairie,Manitoba, was born August1 3th, 1850, at Feterangus,Scotland. His parents wereAndrew and Ann Murray(Smith) Ross. Mr. Rosscame to Canada with hisparents in 1855,and settledin the Township of Whitby,Ontario County, Ont., andthe latter are now livingretired at Port Perry, Ont.Before leaving Scotland, atthe age of five, Mr. Rosshad reached the secondreader, and subsequentlypursued his studies in thepublic school at Ashburn,Ont., until he was elevenyears of age. He thenworked at manual labor,until he was seventeen, duringwhich time he attendedschool one winter ;afterthat he served a three years'apprenticeship to the blacksmithtrade in Brooklin,Ont., and subsequently continuedat the trade for twoyears more. When twenty-one, he waslicensed to preach, and at twenty-two,was called into the active work by Rev.Wm. Scott, chairman of Whitby District.For four months, he suppliedCannington, during which time heworked at the anvil four days in theweek, studied two days, andon preachedSunday. He was then appointedto Pickering Circuit, where he remainedeighteen months, then one year at Newcastle,and one year at StoufFville. Hethen entered Victoria College for oneyear, and was ordained June iyth,1877, at Whitby Conference, by Rev.George Young, D.D. His first charge,after ordination, was at Port Carling,where he remained one year, and in 1878,he went to the North-West, as a missionary,and spent ten years amongstthe Indians. He then took up workamong the whites at Griswold, Man.,where he remained two years, afterwardstwo years at Port Arthur, Ont.,and was appointed to Portage La Prairie,June, 1892, where he is also chairman ofthe district. He is an able and earnestGospel preacher. Mr. Ross is a memberof the A.F. & A.M., I.O.O.F. andA.O.U.W. He was married, June 2Oth,1877, to Miss Sarah, daughter of JamesMcCormick, Esq., of Orono, Ont.

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