Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

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149ISAACWILSON DOHKRTY,M.D., Kingston, Kent County,N.B., was born in Kent County,August ist, 1831. He is the son ofWilliam and Agnes (McLelan) Doherty.His father came to this country whenseventeen years of age, from CountyDonegal, Ireland, while his mother wasa native of Nova Scotia, and an aunt tothe late Lieutenant-Governor McLelan,of that province. Dr. Doherty waseducated at the <strong>com</strong>mon schools andSackville Academy, N.B., and afterleaving the latter institution, he <strong>com</strong>mencedthe study of medicine with hisuncle, Dr. David McLelan, of St. John,N.B., in 1850. He thentook his first course of lecturesat Bowdain College ofMedicine, in the State ofMaine, and finished his medicaleducation at the NewYork Medical College, graduatingfrom that institution,March 3rd, 1853. Hebegan to practice in June ofthe same year, in Shediac,N.B., and continued until1859, when he removed toKingston, where he still remains.During his stay inShediac, there was an epidemicof small pox (in 1857),which extended from Buctoucheto Shemogue, andin 1854, the year of theAsiatic cholera in St. John,he had many cases of Engglishcholera, the symptomsof which were similar to theAsiatic cholera, and if theyhad been in the districtwhere the latter was raging,would have been classedand treated as such. Sincelocating in Kingston, theDoctor has been appointedsuperintendent of the MaineHospital at Richibucto, and has alsothe largest practicein Kent County formany years. He was married in August,1854, to Isabel, daughter of IsaacCleveland, who was formerly a farmerof Anagance, Kings County, N.B., butafterwards removed to St. John, andretired from active business. DoctorDoherty has a family of three sons andtwo daughters. His eldest son is practicingmedicine very successfully inCampbellton, N.B., and the second son,has a good dental practice in Moncton.In religion, he is a member of the PresbyterianChurch, and has also been amember of the Masonic Order since 1858.

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