Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

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CANADA. 147THOMAS JARDINE, shipbuilder-*-and mill owner, Kingston, KentCounty, N.B., was born in Dumfriesshire,Scotland, February i8th,He 1818.received his education at the parishin the Old Land. Heof Wamphray,came to Canada in 1834, and <strong>com</strong>mencedship building with his uncle, and onhe andthe latter's return to Liverpool,his brother carried on the business,under the firm name of John andThomas Jardine. The former died in1892, leaving the business in the handsof the latter. Mr. Jardine was thedesigner of all the vessels which theybuilt, sixty-seven being for themselves,Heand many more for other parties.also does a very large business in lumber,and a very large general business,importing in his own vessels.Mr. Jardine was married, December24th, 1851, to Agnes, daughter of Geo.Orr, of Kilbirnie, Ayrshire, Scotland.His family consists of nine sons andthree daughters. Two of his sons arein business with their father, two workon the farm, and one is a doctor inGlasgow, Scotland. Mr. Jardine andhis sons own the highest grades of Ayrshirecattle, English pigs and horses inthe country. In religion, he is a Presbyterian,and in politics, a Conservative.

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