Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

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i4 6OKPastor ofCocagne, N.B., is the son of_ Benoni and Marguerite Cormier,and was born at Memramcook,N.B., February 26th, 1846. He attendedat the College of Ste. Anne de la Pocatiere,the College of St. Joseph, Memramcook,and studied theology at theGrand Seminary, Montreal. He wasordained priest at St. John, N.B., Augusta8th, 1870. He was first, for threeyears, curate of St. John, as well as ofnine adjoining missions, then for threeand one half years, labored at Fredericton,and on twenty-two missions belongingto the parish of the capital.,EV. F. X. CORMIER,For two years, he was pastorof Moncton, Fox Creek andIrishtowu, and then forseven years ministered tothe village of Richibuctoana the five missions belongingthereto. He wasappointed to Cocagne in1885. Energetic and hardworking, Father Cormierhas <strong>com</strong>pleted, during hisministerial career, a greatmany works of construction.church at Milk-He built aish and one at Stanley,finished the exterior andnearly the whole of the interiorof the second churchat Moncton, repaired andalmost renewed the churchof the village of Richibucto,built the church on theland of the Indians at Richibucto,a new church atCocagne, which was finishedin August of theyear 1892, and <strong>com</strong>mencedthe church of Notre-Dameat Irishtown. By fertilityof resources and carefulmanagement, Father Cormiersucceeded in doing allthis, without inconvenience to his parishioners.His merits do not end therehowever. When the College of St.Joseph became too small to receive allthe students wishing admittance, andrequired an addition building, the venerablepastor of Cocagne offered himselfto the director of the institution, witha well filled purse, to defray the expensesof the enterprise. The studentwho drinks from this fountain the benefitsof education, and the entire academy,as well, can never forget this act ofgenerosity, which places the reverendpastor in the front rank of the benefactorsof the institution.

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