Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

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142TOM ROUTLEDGE, J. P., member-^ofthe firm of Bouverie & Routledge,importers of thorough-bred stock,breeders, etc., Boss Hill Farm, Virden,Manitoba, was bom March 4th, 1857,at Mealsgate, Cumberland, England.His parents, who are both deceased, wereJoseph and Ann (Hewetson) Routledge,from Lane Head, Bolton, Cumberland.Mr. Routledge was educated at WigtouCollege, Cumberland, and EmmanuelCollege, Cambridge. He rowed in thewinning University Crew, against Oxford,in 1879. He came to WesternCanada in May, 1879, and settled atRiding Mountain, where he remainedtwo years. He located the land for thegreat Bell Farm, and afterwards becamegeneral superintendent of thesame, which position he filled for twoyears. Here he was joined by hispresent partner, Hon. Frank Bouverie,youngest son of the Earl of Radnor.In the Fall of 1883, they <strong>com</strong>mencedoperations on the Boss Hill Farm, wherethey make a speciality of all kinds ofhigh bred horses, short horned cattle,sheep, etc. The Boss Hill Farm annualsales are always largely attended. Apainting of their buildings was one ofthe attractions sent to the World's Fairat Chicago, in 1893, by the C. P. R. Co.Mr. Routledgeis well adaptedto the line of business inwhich he isengaged. Hehas great admiration for livestock, and owing to his longexperience, thoroughly understandsthe worth and qualityof the various gradesof animals passing throughhis hands. He was, forsome years, president of theLocal Agricultural Society,and also of the Liberal-ConservativeAssociation. Heis also a <strong>com</strong>missioner forthe Province of Manitoba,and Notary Public for theNorth-West Territory. Heis Captain of " A " Troop,Manitoba Dragoons, whichforce was organized by him,and takes an active part inall the local sporting clubsand societies. In 1886 hecontested Dennis Ridingfor the Local Legislature.His knowledge of publicaffairs makes him a thoroughlyrepresentative man.In religion, he is a <strong>com</strong>municantof the Church ofEngland.

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