Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

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CANADA 141EDWIN DAVID KING, Q.C., Barristerand Solicitor, Halifax, N.S.,^*S> was born in Onslow, Countyof Colchester, N.S., December 26th,1841. He is the son of John King, J. P.and Sarah Ann King. The former wasa native of Dumfriesshire, Scotland, andcame to Nova Scotia when a boy, withhis parents, and resided there until hisdeath. The latter was born in NovaScotia, and is of the U.E. Loyalist Stock,her father having <strong>com</strong>e to Nova Scotiaat the time of the American War ofIndependence. Mr. King received hiseducation at Acadia University, Wolfvihe,N.S ,where he graduated B.A. in1863, and M.A. three yearslater. He subsequently studiedlaw at Halifax, wherehe was admitted to the Barin 1867, and was created aQ.C. in 1884. He is amember of the Nova ScotiaBarristers' Society, of theAlninni Society of AcadiaUniversity, of the ProvincialSunday School Associationof Nova Scotia, and an associatemember of the VictoriaInstitute, of London,England. He has twicefilled the office of presidentof the Alumni Society ofAcadia University, and wasfor seven years secretary.He has also twice beenpresident of the S. S. Association,and is at present,and has been since the organization,in 1885,man chair-of its executive <strong>com</strong>mittee.In politics, he isa Liberal-Conservative, andtakes an active part in electioncontests. In religion,he is a Baptist, and holdsthe offices of deacon treasurerand teacher of the seniorBible class of the First Baptist Church,Halifax. He is also one of the governorsof Acadia University, and since1885, has been chairman of its <strong>com</strong>mitteeon investments. Mr. King is ahis profes-very busy man, not only insion, as member of the law firm of King& Barss, but also in political and educationalmatters, in which he is deeplyinterested and takes a leading part.He also finds time to do much work inthe church to which he belongs. February3rd, 1869, he was married toMinnie S. Barss, daughter of John W.Barss, J. P. and Lydia K. Barss, ofWolfville, N. S.

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