Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

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CANADA. 137Tl JTARTIN L. GRIMMETT, BarjLrI rister-at-law, Winnipeg, Man.,VS> was born May 22nd, 1863,near Oxford, England. His parents,John and Elizabeth Ann (Thatcher)Grimmett, left England, in 1873, withtheir family, and settled in AlleghanyCity, Penn., U.S., where they remainedfor some time, subsequently removingto Ontario, and afterwards to Manitoba,settling near Virden, where they stillreside, and are held in the highest respect.Mr. Martin L. Grimmett waseducated in Alleghany City, and afterwardsat Collingwood, Out., CollegiateInstitute. He taught school for someyears, in Ontario and Manitoba, andthen studied law in the offices of W. A.Macdouald, Brandon; Joseph Martin,ex-Attorney General of Manitoba, andMunson & Allan, Winnipeg. In Michaelmasterm, 1890, he was called tothe Manitoba Bar, and as a member ofthe firm of Munson & Allan, began topractice in Winnipeg. In 1892, he wasadmitted as partner in the firm ofEwart, Fisher and Wilson, which factcoupled with the esteem in which he isheld, and his own ability, assures hissuccess. He also takes an active partin religious and other good work;isa director of the Winnipeg Y.M.C.A.,first vice-president of theYoung Men's ProhibitionClub, Winnipeg, and forthree consecutive terms, waspresident of the ChristianEndeavor Society of GraceMethodist Church, Winnipeg.The ability of Mr.Grimmett as a student, andhis ambition as a professionalman, are well exemplified inhis examinations, in whichhe has always taken firstclasshonors, and headed thelist. In 1893, at the secondyear examination, for thedegree of LL.B., at ManitobaUniversity, he took a remarkablyhigh percentage.He expects to receive thisdegree in 1894. He pays ahightribute to the invaluableinfluence and exampleof his mother, a womangreatly admired and belovedfor her Christian graces.In politics, Mr. Grimmett isa staunch and an activeLiberal. He is also a strongprohibitionist, and has donegood work in the cause oftemperance.

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